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EfA's Course and Workshops

In addition to internationally recognized courses such as the Cambridge CELTA and the Trinity College Tylec, English for Africa also offers short TEFL courses and workshops. These courses are designed for teachers who want to take concrete action to improve their teaching skills but don’t have the time or the resources to invest in longer courses. As with all our courses, they are highly practical in nature.

Teachers who take four of our short courses (10 hours each) receive an EfA Certificate in Communicative Language Teaching. Teachers who take four courses and three workshops receive an EfA Higher Certificate in Communicative Language Teaching.

the full

Communicative Language Teaching Courses

EfA’s Core Teaching Skills courses are designed to provide both novice and experienced teachers with practical skills and theoretical foundations to implement the communicative language teaching (CLT) approach

in today’s classroom.

These short courses can be taken to help teachers prepare to take the CELTA course, or to help CELTA graduates further consolidate their training.

Though the courses are designed for a general EFL context, they can and will be adapted to suit the specific context of the trainees. They can be offered in both online and face-to-face formats, with a maximum number of 12 participants. Each course costs 700 Moroccan Dirhams to attend, and is 10 hours long.



Lesson planning in the communicative classroom

700 Dhs


Assessment in the communicative classroom

700 Dhs


Classroom management in the communicative classroom

700 Dhs


Teaching skills in the communicative classroom

700 Dhs


Presenting vocabulary and grammar in the communicative classroom

700 Dhs


Phonology in the communicative classroom

700 Dhs

CLT Training  Course 

  • Minimum number of participants: 6

  • Maximum number of participants: 12

  • Format: Online (using Zoom) or face-to-face

  • Total number of  hours per Module : 10 h

  • Time : Saturday afternoons, or at a time to be agreed upon by the trainees. They can take place either online or at a center near you.

  • Training Fees: 700 Dirhams

​Award: Complete 4 CLT courses to receive an EfA Certificate in Communicative Language Teaching
Bonus: If you take 4 courses, get 50 percent off the 5th .


EfA's Tefl Training Workshops help teachers bring innovation into the classroom, in order to both reinvigorate their teachers, and give them and their employers a competitive edge in the EFL market.

They are all very practical in nature, with teachers leaving the workshops with a toolkit of techniques and activities they can immediately start using in their classrooms. They also leave equipped with the theoretical foundations they will need to reflect upon these approaches, and adapt them to their own contexts.

All workshops are 4 hours in length and cost 250 Moroccan Dirhams to attend.




  1. Methods and Approches

  • Project-based learning.

250 Dhs

  • ​Alternative approaches to lesson planning.

250 Dhs

  • ​ Initiation to Content-language Integrated Learning

250 Dhs

2. Ressources and techniques

  • Using authentic materials.

250 Dhs

  • Fun activities for teaching and learning grammar.

250 Dhs

  • Fun activities for teaching and learning vocabulary.

250 Dhs

  • Drama in the language classroom.​

250 Dhs

  • Teaching exam classes.

250 Dhs

3. Technology and Media

  • Texting and Skyping in the language classroom.

250 Dhs

  • Augmented reality: teaching with QR codes.

250 Dhs

  • ​Using video for language learning.

250 Dhs

  • ​Using songs for language learning.

250 Dhs

  • ​Developing Professional Practice.

250 Dhs

  • ​Forum moderation for language teachers.

250 Dhs

  • Setting up and running PLCs (Professional Learning Communities).

250 Dhs

TEFL Training  Workshops 

  • Minimum number of participants: 6

  • Maximum number of participants: 12

  • Format: Online (using Zoom) or face-to-face

  • Total number of  hours per Module : 4 h

  • Time : Times and dates for the course can be arranged flexibly, based on participants' availability.​

  • Cost per participant: 250 Dirhams

  • Award: Complete 4 CLT courses plus 4 workshops to receive an EfA Higher Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

  • Bonus: If you take 4 workshops, get 50 percent off the 5th

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