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 Welcome to our Clubs and Workshops:

The goal of our Clubs and Workshops is to provide a space for Mekensa to expand their cultural horizons and build a connection with the community.
Our Clubs  Program provides a space for participants to meet, share resources, discuss topics of mutual interest, and engage in fun activities together. Students enrolled in our language programs get free membership to one Club of their choice. Clubs are open to adults 16 years and older.
For our Workshops,  we provide a trained professional to lead and train participants. Contact us for information about prices and conditions.

Concrete Wall

For kids (                             )



7-12 years old

Meet once every two weeks

6 - 12 learners per class

1h30 min per class

Chess : 

In this class, kids will play chess with their peers & will be taught the rules and moves they need to know as they discuss chess history and strategies. This game will teach them skills that are transferrable to other aspects of their lives.

Learning how to Play Chess

Drama & Theatre Activities : 

This weekly class will introduce your child to the world of dramatic arts. We will play games and learn how to act with emotion using our bodies and facial expressions.

7-12 years old

Meet once every two weeks

6 - 12 learners per class

1h30 min per class


Story Telling:

In this class, students will experience interactive, dramatic stories and learn how to tell a story by observing a storyteller. 

7-12 years old

Meet once every two weeks

6 - 12 learners per class

1h30 min per class

Drawing Time

Saturday Morning Club :

In this club, each week kids will explore a new theme, such as Geography, Arts...(This club is inclusive, autism, and ADHD-friendly.)

5-12 years old

Meet  every Saturday morning

6 - 12 learners per class

3hours per class

Concrete Wall

For  Adults (      clubs        workshops)

Creative Work

Creative Writing :

In this ongoing writing club, members will engage in fun discussions and use weekly creative writing prompts to practice their writing skills.

+17 years old

Meet once every two weeks

1h30 min

English, Arabic, French

Public Speaking-  Speeches and Presentations:

In this ongoing club, learners will gain an understanding of impromptu speaking and will practice their public speaking skills with their own speeches and presentations each week.

+17 years old

Meet once every two weeks


English, Arabic, French

Giving a Speech
Author Interview

Book Club :

In this ongoing club, learners will gain an understanding of impromptu speaking and will practice their public speaking skills with their own speeches and presentations each week.

+17 years old

Meet once every two weeks


English, Arabic, French

Baccalaureat Study Group :

This club will consist study of a small group of students taking the same class who meet regularly outside of class time. Members of this club commit to helping each other be successful by working together.

+17 years old

Meet once every two weeks


English, Arabic, French

Study group
Theater Group

Drama Workshop :

This workshop will explore the foundations of the acting process in a collaborative, fun, and creative environment. Some of the content will include theatre games and the basics of acting techniques including voice and body work, improvisation, and some script work.

+17 years old

Meet once every two weeks



Cosmetics and traditional remedies :

For centuries Moroccan women have turned to natural ingredients to achieve their seemingly effortless beauty and radiant complexion.

+17 years old

Meet once every two weeks


English, Arabic, French, Tamazight

Natural Cosmetics in Petri Dish
Community Service

Community Service Club : 

This club strives to enhance the vibrancy of our community by promoting volunteerism and supporting local non-profits and other service providers. We organize events throughout the year, bringing staff and partners together in support of a variety of causes.

+17 years old

Meet once every two weeks

English, Arabic, French

Networking Group

Language Teachers' Support Club :

This support club is designed to help teachers by giving them a space to share their concerns and challenges, learn some self-help strategies from a psychologist and their peers, and connect with a broader network of teachers.


Meet once every two weeks



MEKNES Metropolitan History and Architecture Association:

Meknes has many great monuments and places: ramparts, gates, museums, mausoleums, the old medina, the new city (Hamria), and other places in and around the city. In this club, we'll look into Meknes's history and architecture.


Meet once every two weeks

English, Arabic, French, Tamazight

Japanese arts: origami, manga, anime...

Japan finds beauty in simplicity, and in this club, we'll explore Japan's high art, its inimitable style in the sleek silhouette of the bullet train, the manga that captivates commuters, and in the distinctive architecture of its ancient temples and shrines.


Meet once every two weeks

English, Arabic, French, Tamazight

Small Street in Japan
Fashion Designer in Studio

Fashion Design :

Fashion students can share their latest fashion projects, work on monthly fashion challenges, and chat about fashion events like the Met Gala and more!

+17 years old

Meet once every two weeks


English, Arabic, French, Tamazight

Translators and Conference Interpreters:

Fashion students can share their latest fashion projects, work on monthly fashion challenges, and chat about fashion events like the Met Gala and more!


Meet once every two weeks

English, Arabic, French, Amazigh, Italian, ..

Communicating in Sign Language

Sign Language Club :

In this club, members will explore a new topic each week, learn new signs, practice holding conversations in ASL, and improve their social skills. 

+17 years old

Meet once every two weeks


American Sign Language

Environmental club :

In this science-based club, members will discuss all things sustainable, regenerative, eco-friendly, and "green" including climate change, harmful practices and come with better solutions to help the envirenment.


Meet once every two weeks

English, Arabic, French

Holding Plant





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